• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
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The War in Gaza and the Responsibility of Universities An Interview with Sari Hanafi

by Sari Hanafi, Thora Bjørke Sandberg, Helle Haglund

GD 14.2

Sari Hanafi is currently a Professor of Sociology, Director of the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut. He is a corresponding fellow of the British Academy and the past President of the International Sociological Association (2018-23). He is the author of numerous articles and books on the sociology of religion, the sociology of (forced) migration applied to Palestinian refugees, and the politics of scientific research. As a Syrian-Palestinian, Hanafi lived in Palestine when the second Intifada ...

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Latest Issue. GD 14.2, August 2024

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Hierarchies and Racialisation in South-South Cooperation

GD 14.2

South-South cooperation (SSC) is a key dynamic in the international order. Historical examples include the Bandung Conference, the Non-Aligned Movement, and Pan-Africanism, which emerged against the backdrop of decolonisation movements in Africa and Asia during the 1950s and 1960s. More recent examples, particularly in the post-2000 period, can be found in the search for strategic commercial partnerships and political clout by emerging powers such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa – and their respective groupings such as the BRICS – at the height of the commodities boom and...

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The “Global South” Concept and its Unfulfilled Anti-Racist Ideals

GD 14.2

In his inaugural address given on April 18, 1955 at the Bandung Conference, the Indonesian President Sukarno linked the “Global South” countries and the question of racism in the following way: “We are of many different nations, we are of many different social backgrounds and cultural patterns. […] Our racial stock is different, and even the colour of our skin is different. But what does that matter? Mankind is united or...

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The Salience of Race in the Africa-China Encounter

GD 14.2

In 2020, amid the powerful confluence of a global pandemic and worldwide anti-racist protests, events in the Chinese city of Guangzhou reignited discussions of racism in Africa–China relations. Measures implemented to prevent and contain Covid-19 disproportionately targeted Africans and people of African descent. Many faced eviction, homelessness, and discrimination in public spaces, sparking an outcry among African diasporas and governments. Africa–China...

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Pioneering South-South Cooperation of Angola and Cuba (1975-1991)

GD 14.2

What are the special features of South-South cooperation? In certain cases, first and foremost it involves cooperation between the governments, institutions, armed forces, and populations of two formerly colonized countries. I will illustrate this using the example of Angola and Cuba, and outline the peculiarities and historical context from which this cooperation emerged. The project took place in the era of decolonization, against the backdrop of the division of the world between capitalist and socialist systems. The era was also characterized by the still persisting hope that strong cohesion...

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Can Racial Hierarchies in UN Peacekeeping be Dismantled?

GD 14.2

One of the most important instantiations of international cooperation in the contemporary global system is the United Nations. Bringing together nearly all the states around the world, it involves multiple vectors of cooperation: North–North, North–South, and South–South. Indeed, the UN’s very existence is premised on the assumption that institutionalized fora where states can engage in structured cooperation as equals will help to avoid conflict, promote human rights, and ensure justice. Yet equality between states within the UN has long been questioned and recent research...

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Degrowth, Global Asymmetries and Ecosocial Justice

GD 14.2

Degrowth mainly presents itself as a perspective from and for countries of the geopolitical North, especially Europe and North America. Regarding the relations with the global South, many degrowth proponents clarify that a degrowth agenda is no universal recipe for transformation, rejecting the very idea of one universal transformational path valid for all world regions. Rather, they state that degrowth in northern high-income countries is necessary to “increase the ecological space” or “liberate...

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Feminist Degrowth and Ecosocial Transition

GD 14.2

This article situates degrowth as a counterhegemonic proposal that unsettles and goes beyond dominant understandings of transition. Emphasising an understanding of degrowth as one of recentring and reorienting the economy (rather than merely a matter of biophysical downscaling), I delineate three axes that are fundamental for this potential: (a) foregrounding a broader conception of what constitutes work; (b) justice, in particular regarding historical and ongoing injustices between the Global North and South; and (c) autonomy and democracy as organising principles of a degrowth economy. Broadening...

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How to Build a Just and Popular Energy Transition?

GD 14.2

From a socio-environmental justice perspective and within the universe of popular environmentalism, we defend a just and popular energy transition that is based on an anti-capitalist and socio-ecological narrative. However, to achieve this, we must first make a diagnosis of the current situation and establish the path towards a desired future. In this regard, it is important to understand the magnitude of the changes needed to address the problems associated with energy. This implies considering not only greenhouse gas emissions, but also social inequalities and socio-environmental impacts in...

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(Pan-)African Eco-Feminist Movements

GD 14.2

The African eco-feminist movement is located at the confluence of three distinct movements that are fighting against the same imperialist ideologies and institutions that disrupted and undermined indigenous cultures and institutions: the anti-neoliberal movement, mainly supported by climate justice activists, the anti-imperialist movement brought forward by decolonialists and the anti-patriarchal movement protagonised by feminists. As such, Afro-eco-feminists are striving to dismantle power structures and hierarchies...

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